Provides knowledge of practical & conceptual accounting, basic accounting information systems, financial reporting & taxation, auditing, and the use of accounting information for managerial decision-making purposes.
The major will help develop a broader mindset about innovation, risk-taking, and action that is valuable to students who work in large companies, non-profits, and new commercial or social ventures.
Preparation for careers in financial management, investment analysis, financial institutions management, financial services, real estate, or risk management and insurance.
Provides specialized instruction dealing with the major organizational, managerial, financial, and technical issues relative to operation of hospitality businesses both domestic and abroad.
Provides specialized instruction dealing with the major organizational, managerial, financial, and technical issues relative to operation of hospitality businesses both domestic and abroad.
The Human Resource Management track covers selection, training, motivating, evaluating, and compensating employees. The Innovation and Change track provides skills in areas such as managing innovation in networks and teams and managing organizational change processes.
Preparation for careers in every field of business, using information systems technology to solve business problems. Provides excellent training in systems design, development, networking, and support to meet the demands of this fast-growing occupational area.
Preparation for careers in marketing management, sales, retail management, marketing research, brand management, and promotion.
SLM and WBBM are complex majors that combine an integrated business curriculum with courses from other fields unique to these disciplines to give students a wholistic education. If you are interested in either of these majors, please reach out to an advisor directiy at